supportcivil: Highway
Showing posts with label Highway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Highway. Show all posts


Width of pavement on curved road shall will be more than width of pavement on straight road to full fill following objective:
  1>  To take care of off tracking due to rigidity of wheel base .
  Note : Deviation of path traverse by fornt and rare axal of any vehicle on curved road is known as off tracking .
2> To counter act transverse skiding of vehicle .
3> To increase the visibility of curve .
4>To encounter psychological  tendency of the driver to maintain more side gap while over taking 

Extra Widening (We)= Wmech+Wphy 
                                                                     =nl^2/2R +V(kmph)/9.5R^.5
n -number of lane 
l -length of wheel base 
R- radius of circular curve 
V -design speed of road

it is to be noted  here that l^2/2R is off tracking where as 
nl^2/2R is mechanical widening 

 1>  if R > 300m then generally there is no need to provide extra widening 
2> if  50< R< 300 m provide on both side of the curve .


It is provide in between straight and circular so that radius is gradually from infinite to R. 

Objective of transition curve 

1> To gradually introduce the centrifugal force in between straight and circular .

2> To gradually introduce super elevation and extra widening .

3> To avoid sudden jerk .

4> To enable the driven to turn the steering  of vehicle gradually for comfort and security .

5> Aesthetic purpose 

   Types of transition curve

credit : Civil Ganeshwar
1> Spiral or clothoid (highway)
2> Bernoulis lemniscate 
3> Cubic parabola ( railway )
Ideal shape of for transition  spiral clothiod because rate of change of centrifugal acceleration is constant throughout.

note : For small deviation  angle behaviour of all the three types of transition curve are same .


1> Based on rate of change of centrifugal acceleration  
                LS =( V^3)/CR                   where V is in Kmph
where c = 80/(75+ V )         .5⥶ c ⥶ .8  where c is in m/s^3
2> Based on  rate introduction of super elevation  and extra widening 
      case A> Pavement is rotate about centre 
1/N =Rate of change of superelevation
    case B> when pavement is rotate about inner edge 
Ls = eN(w+we)

3> Empirical formula 
  Ls = 2.7V^2/R ( plain and rolling area )
       = V^2/R  (hilly area )
As per IRC :
1> N= 150 for plain and rolling terrain
2> N= 100 for built up  area 
3> N = 60 for hilly area 
 Length of transition curve taken minimum value from case 1,case 2 and  case 3 .

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