Building Materials most important 100 objective questions

Building Materials most important 100 objective questions


Here supportcivil team selected 100 most important questions of building material .

Question No.1
The commonly used lime in white washing, is
(A) White lime
(B) Fat lime
(C) Hydraulic lime
(D) Quick lime
Answer: Option B
Question No. 2
For slaking of 10 kg of CaO, the theoretical amount of water is
(A) 2.2 kg
(B) 1.5 kg
(C) 3.2 kg
(D) None of these
Answer: Option C
Question No. 3
Plywood is made from
(A) Common timber
(B) Bamboo fibre
(C) Teak wood only
(D) Asbestos sheets
Answer: Option C
Question No. 4
A 1st class brick immersed in water for 24 hours, should not absorb water (by weight) more than
(A) 10 %
(B) 15 %
(C) 20 %
(D) 25 %
Answer: Option C
Question No. 5
The preparation of surface of stone to obtain plain edges or to obtain stones of required size and
shape is known as
(A) Quarrying of stones
(B) Blasting of stones
(C) Seasoning of stones
(D) Dressing of stones
Answer: Option D
Question No. 6
The hardest rock is
(A) Marble
(B) Diamond
(C) Talc
(D) Quartz
Answer: Option B
Question No. 7
Wrought iron is used for
(A) Structural works in beams
(B) Small sized water pipes
(C) Columns and struts
(D) None to these
Answer: Option B
Question No. 8
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Corrugated sheet iron is made by passing plain sheets between grooved rollers
(B) Strength and stiffness of corrugated sheets are considerably increased
(C) Corrugated sheets are generally used on slanting roofs
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 9
The process of mixing clay, water and other ingredients to make brick is known as
(A) Kneading
(B) Moulding
(C) Pugging
(D) Drying
Answer: Option A
Question No. 10
The type of steel used for precision levelling staff, is
(A) Titanium steel
(B) Carbon steel
(C) Invar
(D) Stainless steel
Answer: Option C
Question No. 11
Formula for quick lime, is
(A) CaCO3
(B) Ca(OH)2
(C) CO3CO2
(D) None to these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 12
The process of decarbonising the pig iron completely and then adding proper percentage of carbon
for manufacturing steel, is called
(A) Cementation process
(B) Crucible process
(C) Bessemer process
(D) Open hearth process
Answer: Option A
Question No. 13
The maximum quantity of calcium chloride used as an accelerator in cement in percentage by
weight of cement is
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4
Answer: Option B
Question No. 14
Which one of the following polymers is obtained from condensation polymerization?
(A) Phenol formaldehyde
(B) Carbamide
(C) Melamine-formaldehyde
(D) All of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 15
The portion of a brick cut to form angles other than right angles in plan, is known as
(A) Queen closer
(B) King closer
(C) Closer
(D) Squint brick
Answer: Option D
Question No. 16
The moisture content in a well seasoned timber is
(A) 4 % to 6 %
(B) 10 % to 12 %
(C) 15 % to 20 %
(D) 100 %
Answer: Option B
Question No. 17
The cement becomes unsound by the presence of excess
(A) Sulphur
(B) Magnesia
(C) Lime
(D) All of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 18
For one cubic metre of brick masonry, number of bricks required, is
(A) 400
(B) 425
(C) 450
(D) 500
Answer: Option D
Question No. 19
Rapid hardening cement contains
(A) Tri-calcium silicate
(B) Tri-calcium aluminate
(C) Tetra-calcium alumino-ferrite
(D) Di-calcium silicate
Answer: Option A
Question No. 20
In order of increasing percentage of silica, the correct sequence is
(A) Sandy clay, calcareous clay, pure clay
(B) Calcareous clay, pure clay, sandy clay
(C) Pure clay, sandy clay, calcareous clay
(D) None of these
Answer: Option B
Question No. 21
Which of the following timbers is suitable for making sports goods?
(A) Mulberry
(B) Mahogany
(C) Sal
(D) Deodar
Answer: Option A
Question No. 22
The stones obtained by blasting are used as
(A) Ballast in railways
(B) Aggregates for concrete
(C) Road metal
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 23
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Acid test is done to find out the weathering quality of stones
(B) Attrition test is done to find out the rate of wear of stones which are used in road
(C) Crushing test is done to find out the compressive strength of the stone
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 24
Mastic asphalt is
(A) Water proof
(B) Fire proof
(C) Elastic
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 25
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Lime is available in Free State
(B) Lime is available by dissolving calcium carbonate in water
(C) Lime is available by calcining calcium carbonate at 900°C
(D) Lime is nothing but calcium chloride
Answer: Option C
Question No. 26
The frog of the brick in a brick masonry is generally kept on
(A) Bottom face
(B) Top face
(C) Shorter side
(D) Longer side
Answer: Option B
Question No. 27
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Roasting is not necessary if iron ore is an oxide
(B) Impurities float on the molten iron as slag
(C) The slag contains lime about 45%
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 28
For obtaining vinyl chloride acetate, the method used, is
(A) Addition polymerization
(B) Condensation polymerization
(C) Co-polymerization
(D) None of these
Answer: Option C
Question No. 29
Whitworth compressed steel is obtained when molten steel is subjected to a pressure of
(A) 5 kg/mm2
(B) 9 kg/mm2
(C) 13 kg/mm2
(D) 15 kg/mm2
Answer: Option B
Question No. 30
The normal consistency of ordinary Portland cement is about
(A) 10 %
(B) 20 %
(C) 30 %
(D) 40 %
Answer: Option C
Question No. 31
Lacquer is
(A) Oil paint
(B) Distemper
(C) Spirit varnish
(D) None to these
Answer: Option C
Question No. 32
Plaster of Paris is obtained by calcining
(A) Bauxite
(B) Gypsum
(C) Lime stone
(D) None of these
Answer: Option B
Question No. 33
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) The lime in excess makes the cement unsound and causes the cement to expand and
(B) The silica in excess makes the cement stronger but its setting time also increases
(C) The excess amount of alumina weakens the cement
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 34
Priming consists of
(A) One part of white lead, 8 parts of chalk and four parts of twice boiled linseed oil
(B) 8 parts of white lead, one part of chalk and four parts of twice boiled linseed oil
(C) One part of white lead, 8 parts of chalk and one part of linseed oil
(D) None to these
Answer: Option A
Question No. 35
The coefficient of hardness of stones used in road work should be greater than
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 15
(D) 17
Answer: Option D
Question No. 36
Manganese steels
(A) Are non-magnetic
(B) Possess high electrical resistance
(C) Possess low coefficient of expansion
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 37
The most commonly used base for timber painting, is
(A) Red lead
(B) Zinc white
(C) White lead
(D) Titanium white
Answer: Option C
Question No. 38
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Adding 5% to 6% of moisture content by weight, increases the volume of dry sand from 18%
to 38%
(B) The bulking of fine sand is more than that of coarse sand
(C) If the percentage content of moisture exceeds 10%, increase in bulk of sand starts increasing
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 39
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) For thin structures subjected to wetting and drying, the water cement ratio should be 0.45
(B) For mass concrete structures subjected to wetting and drying, the water ratio should be 0.55
(C) For thin structures which remain continuously under water, the water-cement ratio by
weight should be 0.55
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 40
Quartzite is a
(A) Metamorphic rock
(B) Argillaceous rock
(C) Calcareous rock
(D) Siliceous rock
Answer: Option D
Question No. 41
The plastics made from cellulose resin
(A) Are as clear as glass
(B) Are tough and strong
(C) Possess excellent electrical properties
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 42
Polymerization helps to improve the property of
(A) Strength
(B) Rigidity
(C) Elasticity
(D) All of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 43
For filling cracks in masonry structures, the type of bitumen used, is
(A) Cut-back bitumen
(B) Bitumen-emulsion
(C) Blown bitumen
(D) Plastic bitumen
Answer: Option D
Question No. 44
Expanded metal is
(A) Manufactured from steel sheets
(B) Used for reinforced concrete in road pavements
(C) Measured in term of SWM (short way mesh) and LWM (long way mesh)
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 45
Pick up the plutonic rock from the following:
(A) Granite
(B) Dolerite
(C) Basalt
(D) All the above
Answer: Option A
Question No. 46
The portion of the brick without a triangular corner equal to half the width and half the length, is
(A) Closer
(B) Queen closer
(C) King closer
(D) Squint brick
Answer: Option C
Question No. 47
Cement is said to be of good quality if
(A) Its colour is not greenish grey
(B) One feels cool by thrusting one's hand in the cement bag
(C) A handful of cement thrown into a bucket of water does not float
(D) None of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 48
The silica is used for preparing
(A) Silica bricks
(B) Coke oven
(C) Lining for glass furnaces
(D) All of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 49
The timber having maximum resistance against white ants, is obtained from
(A) Chir
(B) Shishum
(C) Sal
(D) Teak
Answer: Option B
Question No. 50
Duco is one of the patent forms of
(A) Emulsion paints
(B) Plastic paints
(C) Bituminous paints
(D) Cellulose paints
Answer: Option D
Question No. 51
Quartzite, a metamorphic stone is
(A) Hard
(B) Brittle
(C) Crystalline
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 52
If water required for 1 bag of cement is 30 litres, the water cement ratio is:
(A) 0.40
(B) 0.50
(C) 0.60
(D) None of these
Answer: Option C
Question No. 53
A piece of timber whose thickness and width are respectively 5 cm and 10 cm is called
(A) Slate
(B) Plank
(C) Board
(D) Strip
Answer: Option D
Question No. 54
The percentage of water for normal consistency, is
(A) 5% to 15%
(B) 10% to 25%
(C) 15% to 25%
(D) 20% to 30%
Answer: Option C
Question No. 55
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) The baked earth is called terra-cotta
(B) The articles prepared from clay which is burnt at low temperature and cooled down slowly,
are called earthen-ware
(C) The articles prepared from refractory clays which as mixed with stone and crushed pottery,
are called stone ware
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 56
In a rock calcium carbonate predominates. State whether it is:
(A) Siliceous rock
(B) Argillaceous rock
(C) Calcareous rock
(D) None of these
Answer: Option C
Question No. 57
The cracks which extend from bark towards the sap wood in the cross section of a tree, are called
(A) Radial shakes
(B) Star shakes
(C) Heart shakes
(D) Cup shakes
Answer: Option B
Question No. 58
The steel used for rails under heavy traffic and on sharp curves, is
(A) Nickel steel
(B) Chrome steel
(C) Manganese steel
(D) Vanadium steel
Answer: Option C
Question No. 59
The steel used in R.C.C. work is
(A) Stainless steel
(B) Mild steel
(C) High carbon steel
(D) Wrought iron
Answer: Option B
Question No. 60
Pick up the rock which is not a sedimentary rock from the following:
(A) Gravel
(B) Sand stone
(C) Gypsum
(D) Dolerite
Answer: Option D
Question No. 61
Acrylic is the name of
(A) Cellulose resin
(B) Alkyd resin
(C) Methyl methacrylate
(D) Cumarone-indene
Answer: Option C
Question No. 62
The PVC doors and windows are preferred as they are
(A) Rust proof
(B) Rot proof
(C) Water proof
(D) All of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 63
The sequence of refractory materials according to increasing melting points is:
(A) Dolomite, Magnesia, Bauxite, Chromites
(B) Bauxite, Chromites, Dolomite, Magnesia
(C) Magnesia, Bauxite, Dolomite, Chromites
(D) None of these
Answer: Option B
Question No. 64
Upto a maximum of 72% of iron, is available in
(A) Magnetite
(B) Limonite
(C) Siderite
(D) Iron pyrites
Answer: Option A
Question No. 65
The melting point of silica is:
(A) 1570°C
(B) 1630°C
(C) 1730°C
(D) 1850°C
Answer: Option C
Question No. 66
Lime stones are generally known as
(A) Aqueous rocks
(B) Sedimentary rocks
(C) Stratified rocks
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 67
Stones used for rubble masonry must be
(A) Soft
(B) Hard
(C) Light
(D) Heavy
Answer: Option B
Question No. 68
The property by virtue of which lime sets under water, is known as
(A) Slacking
(B) Setting
(C) Hydraulicity
(D) Calcining
Answer: Option C
Question No. 69
Porcelain is used as:
(A) Sanitary wares
(B) Electric insulators
(C) Storage vessels
(D) Reactor chambers
Answer: Option D
Question No. 70
The lime which contains high percentage of calcium oxide, is generally called
(A) Fat lime
(B) Rich lime
(C) White lime
(D) None of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 71
Second class bricks
(A) Are of dark brown colour
(B) Produce a metallic sound when struck
(C) Are well burnt
(D) Are under burnt
Answer: Option B
Question No. 72
Wrought iron contains carbon upto
(A) 0.25 %
(B) 1.0 %
(C) 1.5 %
(D) 2 %
Answer: Option A
Question No. 73
The variety of pig iron used for manufacture of wrought iron, is
(A) Bessemer pig
(B) Grey or foundry pig
(C) White forge pig
(D) Mottled pig
Answer: Option C
Question No. 74
Kaolin is chemically classified as
(A) Metamorphic rock
(B) Argillaceous rock
(C) Calcareous rock
(D) Siliceous rock
Answer: Option B
Question No. 75
Sewer pipes are made of
(A) Earthen ware
(B) Stone ware
(C) Refractory clay
(D) All the above
Answer: Option B
Question No. 76
The process of manufacturing steel by heating short lengths of wrought iron bars mixed with
charcoal in fire clay crucibles and collecting the molten iron into moulds, is known as
(A) Cementation process
(B) Crucible process
(C) Bessemer process
(D) Open hearth process
Answer: Option B
Question No. 77
The rock generally used for roofing, is
(A) Granite
(B) Basalt
(C) Slate
(D) Pumice
Answer: Option C
Question No. 78
The lime which contains mainly calcium oxide and slacks with water, is
(A) Fat lime
(B) Quick lime
(C) Hydraulic lime
(D) Poor lime
Answer: Option B
Question No. 79
The standard size of masonry bricks, is
(A) 18 cm × 8 cm × 8 cm
(B) 19 cm × 9 cm × 9 cm
(C) 20 cm × 10 cm × 10 cm
(D) 21 cm × 11 cm × 11 cm
Answer: Option B
Question No. 80
The proportions of charcoal, saltpetre and sulphur in gun powder by weight, are respectively:
(A) 15, 75, 10
(B) 75, 10, 15
(C) 10, 15, 75
(D) 10, 75, 15
Answer: Option A
Question No. 81
Knots in timber are
(A) Defects caused by crushing fibres
(B) Splits radiating from the centre
(C) Speckled strains
(D) Signs of branches cut off
Answer: Option D
Question No. 82
Pick up correct statement from the following:
(A) Fibre boards are used for thermal and acoustic control
(B) Fibre boards are used for light weight standing members
(C) Fibre boards are obtained by impregnating a resin product on fibres
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 83
Portland cement manufactured from pure white chalk and clay but free from iron-oxide, is known
(A) Quick setting cement
(B) Rapid hardening cement
(C) White cement
(D) Low heat Portland cement
Answer: Option C
Question No. 84
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Slaked lime contains calcium hydroxide
(B) Quick lime contains calcium oxide
(C) Slaked lime may be obtained from quick lime
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 85
The minimum compressive strength of 1st class bricks should be
(A) 75 kg/cm2
(B) 90 kg/cm2
(C) 100 kg/cm2
(D) 120 kg/cm2
Answer: Option C
Question No. 86
The cast iron when heated to red heat with powdered red haematite in an oven for increasing its
toughness, is converted to
(A) Grey cast iron
(B) White cast iron
(C) Mottled cast iron
(D) Toughed cast iron
Answer: Option C
Question No. 87
A well seasoned timber may contain moisture up to
(A) 4 to 6 %
(B) 6 to 8 %
(C) 8 to 10 %
(D) 10 to 12 %
Answer: Option D
Question No. 88
The usual percentages of clay and metal in cermet are:
(A) 50%, 50%
(B) 60%, 40%
(C) 70%, 30%
(D) 80%, 20%
Answer: Option D
Question No. 89
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) The plastic bottles are made by the process of blowing
(B) The application of thermo-setting resins on sheets of paper, is called laminating process
(C) The plastic articles made by placing raw material in the desired moulds, is known as
moulding process
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 90
The specific gravity of marble, is
(A) 2.50
(B) 2.60
(C) 2.66
(D) 2.72
Answer: Option D
Question No. 91
Plastic asphalt is
(A) Used as a water proofing layer over roof
(B) A mixture of cement and asphalt
(C) A natural asphalt
(D) A refinery product
Answer: Option B
Question No. 92
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Rusting is caused due to combined action of air, moisture and carbon dioxide
(B) During rusting, first ferrous bicarbonates are formed
(C) On further oxidation ferrous bicarbonates get converted to ferric bicarbonates
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 293
The commonly used base for iron and steel work, is
(A) Red lead
(B) Zinc white
(C) White lead
(D) Titanium white
Answer: Option A
Question No. 94
For high grade instruments the steel preferred to, is
(A) Cast steel
(B) Bessemer steel
(C) Mild steel
(D) Whitworth compressed steel
Answer: Option A
Question No. 95
Bitumen felt is used for
(A) Water proofing
(B) Damp proofing
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) Neither (A) nor (B)
Answer: Option C
Question No. 96
The most important constituent of an oil paint, is
(A) Thinner
(B) Vehicle
(C) Pigment
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 97
Acrylic sheets
(A) Possess 10 to 17 times greater breakage resistance than that of glass of equivalent thickness
(B) Are generally unaffected by most household detergents
(C) Possess the light transmission rate of 93%
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 98
Brass is an alloy of
(A) Copper and zinc
(B) Zinc and lead
(C) Tin and silver
(D) Zinc and nickel
Answer: Option A
Question No. 99
Pick up the polymineralic rock from the following:
(A) Quartz sand
(B) Pure gypsum
(C) Magnesite
(D) Granite
Answer: Option D
Question No. 100
Pick up the hypabyssal rock from the following:
(A) Granite
(B) Dolerite
(C) Basalt
(D) All the above
Answer: Option B
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