Civil Engineering Interview Questions

Civil Engineering Interview Questions

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Civil Engineering Interview Questions
Q1 . What is civil engineering ? 

Q2  What is work of a civil engineer ? 

Q3  Define various authorities on a construction site ?

Q4  What is least cover provide for different Rcc members?

Q5  What is function of column in a building ?

Q6  What is cement sand and aggregate ratio in various concrete mix?

Q7  What do mean by honeycomb in concrete ?

Q8  Will water damage concrete  ?

Q9  What is initial and final setting time of ideal mix concrete ?

Q10 What are the common method  of curing ?

Q11 Write the formula for the weight of steel ?

Q12 What do you know about TMT ? 

Q13 What is difference between working stress method and limit state method ?

Q14 Name the field test required for quality check of cement ? 

Q15 Name the types of foundation used in construction ?

Q16 Name the various types of cement 

Q 17 What do you understand by guniting ?

Q18 What are the various test for bricks ?

Q19 what do you under stand by void ratio ?

Q20 what is workabiity how to test it ? 

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Civil Engineering Interview Questions

Civil Engineering Interview Questions Q1 . What is civil engineering ?  Q2  What is work of a civil engineer ?  Q3  Define various...