Civil Engineering Questions and Answers Part 2

Civil Engineering Questions and Answers Part 2

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 Q1 In geodetic surveying, sum of angles (degree) of a spherical triangle should not be greater than Options
 1)  180
2)  270
 3)  360
 4)  540
 Correct Answer:/>540

Q2 Calculate the number of division of the main scale that is equal to the 8 divisions of the extended vernier.  Options:
 1)  7
 2)  9
 3)  15
 4)  16
 Correct Answer: 15

 Q3  An area of a field is 250 square centimetres from a shrunk map having shrunk factor of 0.9. Calculate the original area (square metres) on the field, if the original scale of the map is 1 cm = 50 m.  Options:
1)  309
  2)  625000
 3)  694444
  4)  771450
Correct Answer: 771450

Q4  The length of the chain is equal to _____. Options:
 1)  centre to centre distance between the last end of links
 2)  Sum of reduced level of benchmark and foresight
 3)  Sum of reduced level of benchmark and backsight
 4)  Sum of reduced level of benchmark and intermediate sight
Correct Answer: centre to centre distance between the last end of links

Q5  Calculate the error (mm) in the linear measurement of offset, if the length of the offset is 80 m, then the accuracy in the measurement of the length is 1 cm in 60 m.
 1)  0.075
2)  1.33
 3)  7.5
  4)  13.3
Correct Answer: 13.3 

 Q6  What should be the height (m) of a lighthouse, so that it can be visible from a distance of 3 km?  Options:
 1)  0.101
 2)  0.605
 3)  0.673
 4)  0.707
  Correct Answer: 0.605 

 Q7 - Calculate the apex distance, if the deflection angle is 60 degree and the degree of curve is 8 degree.
 1)  33.26
 2)  124.13
  3)  215
4)  262.8
 Correct Answer: 33.26  

Q8 Which of the following contour represents either hills or ponds?
 1)  Contour having concentric circles
 2)  Closely placed contour
3)  Distant contour
 4)  Parallel contour
Correct Answer: Contour having concentric circles 

Q9 Which of the soil possesses zero plasticity index?
1)  Clay
 2)  Clayey silt
 3)  Sand
4)  Silty
 Correct Answer: Sand 

Q10  Which of the following roller is used to compact the coarse-grained soil?
 1)  Drum roller
2)  Pneumatic tyred roller
 3)  Tamping roller
 4)  Vibratory roller
 Correct Answer: Vibratory roller

Q 11  The internal angle of friction of a soil is 30 degree. What is the active earth pressure coefficient for the soil mass?
 1)  0.005
 2)  0.025
 3)  0.333
4)  0.555
Correct Answer: 0.333  

Q12  Which of the following is measured in the poise?
Options: 1)  Dynamic viscosity
2)  Kinematic viscosity
 3)  Velocity of flow
 4)  Discharge
 Correct Answer: Dynamic viscosity

Q13  Which of the following is measured with the help of hot wire anemometer?
 1)  Velocity coefficient
 2)  Surface tension
 3)  Viscosity
4)  Velocity of fluid
 Correct Answer: Velocity of fluid 

Q14  A sphere of diameter 30 cm is moving with a uniform velocity of 4 m/s. The dynamic viscosity and specific gravity of the liquid is given as 0.8 poises and 0.9 respectively. What is the value of Reynolds number?
1)  135
 2)  10000
3)  13500
4)  15000
Correct Answer: 13500  

Q15  The sphere of diameter 0.02 m falls in a fluid of kinematic viscosity of 10 stokes with the terminal velocity of 0.02 m/s. What is the value of the coefficient of drag on the falling sphere?
1)  40
 2)  60
 3)  80
  4)  100
Correct Answer: 60

 Q16  What is the depth of the flow (m) in a circular channel of diameter 2.0 m for the maximum velocity?
1)  1
2)  1.62
 3)  2
 4)  2.83
Correct Answer: 1.62 

Q17 The water flows fully through the rectangular channel of lateral dimensions 4 m x 3 m. What is the velocity of flow (m/s) through the channel, if the slope of energy line and Chezy’s constant is given as 0.0006 and 90 respectively?
 1)  1.5
2)  2.4
3)  4.6
4)  5
Correct Answer: 2.4

Q18  Which of the following is the dimensionless parameter?
 1)  Linear velocity
 2)  Gravity force
3)  Reynolds number
4)  Viscosity
 Correct Answer: Reynolds number

Q 19  Which ONE is the best method of the reclamation of the acidic soil?
1)  Leaching
 2)  Provision of good drainage
 3)  Use gypsum as a soil amendment
4)  Use limestone as a soil amendment
 Correct Answer: Use limestone as a soil amendment 

Q20  Calculate the evaporation (mm) from a pond, if the pan evaporation is 45 mm. The pan coefficient is 0.70.
 1)  13.5
 2)  19.28
  3)  31.5
4)  64.28
Correct Answer: 31.5 

 Q21  The ruling design speed on a curve is 100 km/h and the super elevation on the curve is 7%. Calculate the ruling design radius (m) of the curve. Take coefficient of the lateral friction as 0.15
 1)  129
 2)  189
  3)  358
 4)  1668
 Correct Answer: 358  

Q22  Which of the following is the CORRECT order for increasing width of a railway gauge?   Options: 1)  Broad gauge < light gauge < narrow gauge < metre gauge
2)  Broad gauge < metre gauge < light gauge < narrow gauge
3)  Light gauge < narrow gauge < metre gauge < broad gauge
4)  Narrow gauge < light gauge < broad gauge < metre gauge
Correct Answer: Light gauge < narrow gauge < metre gauge < broad gauge

Q23 Which of the following method is used to forecast the population of old and very large city?
 1)  Arithmetical increase method
2)  Geometric progression method
3)  Graphical method
 4)  Logistic curve method
 Correct Answer: Arithmetical increase method

Q24 The strength of a riveted lap joint is equal to its A. shearing strength B. bearing strength C. tearing strength
1)  Only A
 2)  Only B
 3)  Only C
 4)  Least of A, B and C
Correct Answer: Least of A, B and C 

 Q25  Maximum permissible slenderness ratio of compressive members which carry dead and superimposed load is
 1)  350
2)  250
3)  180
4)  80
Correct Answer: 180

Q26  When plates are exposed to weather, tacking rivets are provided at a pitch in line not exceeding
1)  8 t
2)  16 t
3)  24 t
 4)  32 t
 Correct Answer: 16 t 

 Q28  In double lacing, the thickness 't' of flat lacing is
1)  t is less than 1/40th length between inner end rivets t
2)  t is less than 1/50th length between inner end rivets t
3)  t is less than 1/60th length between inner end rivets t
4)  t is less than 1/70th length between inner end rivets t
 Correct Answer: t is less than 1/60th length between inner end rivets t 

Q29  Column footing is provided
1)  to spread the column load over a larger area
2)  to ensure that intensity of bearing pressure between the column footing and soil does not exceed permissible bearing capacity of the soil
3)  to distribute the column load over soil through the column footing
4)  All option are correct
 Correct Answer: All option are correct 

Q30  In a truss girder of a bridge, a diagonal consists of mild steel flat 400 I.S.F. and carries a pull of 80 tones. If the gross diameter of the rivet is 26 mm, the number of rivets required in the splice is
1)  6
2)  7
3)  8
4)  9
Correct Answer: 8 

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