Passive solar building design

Passive solar building design

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Direct Gain Heating
Indirect Gain –( Trombe Wall )
Isolated Gain –( Sunspace)
Design for Summer Comfort
Some important things

In passive solar building design, windows, walls, and floors are made to collect, store, and distribute solar energy in the form of heat in the winter and reject solar heat in the summer.
Idle daylight based arrangement strategies can be associated most successfully to new structures, anyway existing structures can be balanced or "retrofitted".
Direct Gain Heating
source : google 
Coordinate pick up is the least difficult latent plan technique.Sunlight goes into the house through the opening typically south-bound windows with a coating material made of straightforward or translucent glass.sunlight at that point strikes brick work floors as well as walls,which retain and store the sun oriented warmth.
Indirect Gain –( Trombe Wall )
source google
A circuitous increase latent sun based home has its warm stockpiling between the south-bound windows and the living spaces.The divider comprises of a 8 to 16 inch-thick brick work divider on the south side of a house.Solar warm is consumed by the divider's dim hued outside surface and put away in the divider's mass.
Isolated Gain –( Sunspace)
source : google
It also known as a solar room or solarium.sunspace can be built as part of a new home or as an addition to an existing one.Sunspaces may experience high heat gain and high heat loss through their abundance of glazing.The distribution of heat to the house can be accomplished through ceiling and floor level vents.
Design for Summer Comfort
So in most climates, a passive solar home design must provide summer comfort as well.
The solar heat in the summer must be blocked by a roof overhang or other devices.
Some important things
The surfaces of these stone work floors and dividers are a dim shading since dull hues for the most part ingest more warmth than light hues. The sunlight based warmth in the mid year must be hindered by a rooftop overhang.Extending the building measurement along the east/west pivot. 
The sun doesn't sparkle constantly. Warmth stockpiling, or warm mass keeps the building warm when the sun can't warm it.In diurnal sun powered houses, the capacity is intended for one or a couple of days. These incorporate a Trombe divider, a ventilated solid floor, a storage, water divider or rooftop lake.

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