Different types of geological formation and their yield

Different types of geological formation and their yield

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These are the geological formation which possess both porosity and permeability ,hence sufficient quantity of discharge can be obtained  through them.
These are generally of three types 
1> unconfined aquifer 
2> confined aquifer
3> perched aquifer 
Unconfined aquifer :

These are the types of aquifer in which ground water table serve as the upper zone of saturation .Water present in this aquifer is subject no pressure than hydrostatic pressure.

Confined aquifer :

These are type of aquifer which are formed due to the presence of impermeable layer above and below the pervious medium .
Water present  in these aquifers is subjected to the pressure greater than hydrostatic pressure .

Perched aquifer 
In some cases ,impermeable layer exist in between pervious medium carrying the saturated soil mass above the ground water table level which can also be used the source of water ,
such formations are referred as perched aquifers.


These are geological formation which are highly porous but impermeable ,so discharge can not be extracted through them 
example- clay


These are geological formation which are porous but possess 
less permeability ,hence water does not flows through them but 
instead ,it seeps .example - sandy clay 


These are the geological formation which are neither porous nor permeable .example - Granite rock

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